Almost every kid's dream is to be a superhero. Mine was the same; I wanted to be a superhero doctor, up until when I was 12. Until I witnessed how doctors couldn’t save the little girl in the hospital. That was a time when I learned hard way that doctors couldn't keep everyone alive. That was a time when I asked myself; will I ever be okay if I lose a patient (as that doctor did in this unfortunate day)? The answer was, No and with that answer dream of becoming a doctor who saves lives, became history until after having kids my own.
When my then almost three years old daughter developed unexplained Alopecia Areata, western medicine failed me again, her Dermatologist could not offer any solution. I started a search for help. I have met amazing people during my quest: professionals, who had the answers and amazing mams who were looking for answers like me. That was also a time when I was introduced to Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine, which successfully cured my daughter.
With every book that I read, with every seminar that I listened to, I was falling in love with these two incredible modalities of alternative medicine, so different but the same time so similar in the core understanding of human health. Homeopathy and Chinese medicine, both agreed on one: we can leave a healthy life if we know how. This was a life changing answer for me, and my dream to be a "superhero", who saves lives, resurrected in my heart once again.
In 2010 I entered the door of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. In December of 2015, I graduated with a Masters of Science in Acupuncture. Successfully passed my board exams and received a New York state license in 2016.
Since then my mission is to provide the highest quality care using Traditional Chinese Medicine in the pursuit of wellness, and harmoniously balanced life. I am devoted to meet every patient with compassion, honesty, and empower them with education to foster their Health, Happiness, and harmony within and without.
But love to learn more and to help more directed me to go back to school and In 2017 I entered the Doctorate program at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and became Doctor of Acupuncture in 2019.
Same time I am a part-time student of Homeopathy, the world of which I entered in 2012.
With every class or the seminar I attend, with every healed client, I know deep in my heart that I am changing world little by little, to a better place where love, health, and happiness exists.
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